PART 1 - Demo using D3 / C3 tools with data extracts from DNA database tables

This version is a prototype only . . .there are no direct links to the DNA database - files used for this demo have been 'pre-extracted' from the DNA database and specifically formatted into various [*.CSV] file local to the web server.

It is also hoped / assumed that the inputs for these panels or graphs will use similar data sized populations as experienced from the data found for the test. Also not part of this demo are those functions that provide the 'selection' and 'drill-downs' to desired view levels. Panels may be enhanced to have user-entered filtering options or have upstream panels that provide level selections, such as chromosome selection and reporting of things at the chromosome level. See following Link for selection flow overview diagram.

Diagram to Show Data Selection Flow

S429 test run data extracts of 4 genes from chromosome 1

s429 chr 1, counts by gene ID [ sample has 4 rows ]
s429 chr 1, counts by Match Type ID [ sample has 32 rows ]
s429 chr 1, counts by Match Type / ATCG [ sample has 117 rows ]
s429 chr 1, counts by ATCG / Match Type ID [ sample has 117 rows ]
s429 chr 1, counts by RefPos / Match Type ID . . [ sample has 728 rows ]
s429 chr 1, Counts by RefPos / Match Type / ATCG [ sample has 728 rows ]
s429 chr 1, counts by RefPos / ATCG ID [ sample has 102 rows ]
s429 chr 1, counts by RefPos / ATCG ID [D3] [ sample has 102 rows ]

S600 test run data extracts from chromosome 1 and 2

s600 chr 1, counts by gene ID [ 1945 rows ]
s600 chr 1, counts by Match Type ID [ 1945 rows ]
s600 chr 1, counts by Ref Pos / Match Type ID [ 1945 rows ]
s600 chr 2, counts by gene ID
[ 1187 row count ]
s600 chr 2, counts by Match Type ID [ 1187 row count ]